Babar Azam as we speak was appointed as the captain of the Pakistan team in 2019 and was given responsibility in all formats after that and even with many rumors about his captaincy removal, but still since then he is the captain of the Pakistan team.

Pakistan’s current captain, Babar Azam is reported as one of the strong captains ever in the history of Pakistan cricket as he has a huge role in every management of the team.

Recently, Pakistan Cricket Board has confirmed appointments related to the selection committee of the Pakistan Men’s Cricket Team, the new committee for the selection of players in the Pakistan team includes Haroon Rasheed, Hassan Cheema, Mickey Arthur, and Grant Bradburn.


There are four names that are included in the new selection committee appointed by the Pakistan Cricket Board and the roles of all appointments are as follows;

 Haroon Rasheed is the chairman of this committee, Hassan Cheema is appointed as responsible for the statistics and team strategy, Mickey Arthur is the director of the Pakistan team and Grant Bradburn is the head coach of the Pakistan team.

As always whenever there is a change in PCB, there are rumors that the power of Babar Azam might get affected with this as the new management wants to take things into their hands, the same was the case now as well but PCB’s appointed chairman of the selection committee negated everything and spoke in favor of Babar Azam on a local TV channel.

Haroon Rasheed in an interview on a local TV channel put his weight behind the National captain Babar Azam and supports Babar Azam to have a very key role in this committee, as he names Babar Azam as an important member in the selection process of players of the Pakistan team.

‘’ The captain will continue to be a part of the selection process, and his opinion will be very important to us. Now he can discuss the selection matters with the head coach who is always with the team ‘’, the head of the PCB selection committee.

A newly appointed member in this selection process is nowadays the talk of the town, Haroon Rasheed also sheds light on the importance of manager analytics and statistics with the team and how he can be very beneficial for the betterment of the Pakistan team.

‘’ To include manager analytics and strategy along with some experience coaches in the selection committee will be very helpful for the Pakistan team. Hassan Cheema’s inclusion will definitely benefit us ‘’, Haroon Rasheed said on a local TV channel.

The chairman of the selection committee, Haroon Rasheed also indicated that the new post of data analytics will also have a huge role in making the decisions regarding the playing XI for the team, and choosing the right players for the right cause is the main point of this inclusion.

‘’ People have a wrong perception related to data, everyone thinks that data is just used to check the records of players but if that’s the case we can get that for websites and other sources as well. The point here is to find out how the pitch behaves in the morning, what’s the difference it makes after lunch, and to decide the playing XI according to the behavior of the pitch ‘’, he further added to his point.

Everything will be in front of us when the first team will be announced for the newly appointed committee. The first task for the newly appointed selection committee of the Pakistan team will be to select players for the Pakistan team for the upcoming series in Sri Lanka, which will give us some more knowledge about the approach of this new committee.

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