Babar Azam Marriage Date And Wife Name

The biggest curiosity nowadays in Pakistan cricket is that when is the Pakistani skipper getting married, the reason for this curiosity is justified because as we know that Babar Azam is the biggest superstar in world cricket at the moment and his millions of fans around the world are very keen to find out that who is that lucky girl with whom the Pakistani Skipper will tie know with for the rest of his life, there are also many circulations about his expected life partner which we will also discuss here because his every fan wants complete details about this phase of Babar Azam’s life.

In this post, we will give you all the details about the marriage of Pakistani captain Babar Azam, his rumored engagement, and who will be the life partner of the captain of the Pakistan team in near future.


The major topic related Babar Azam is his marriage but at the moment we all know that Babar Azam is not married but the fans of the Pakistani captain Babar Azam are always up to discuss about this topic that when is the superstar about to announce his marriage but at the moment it’s sure that Babar Azam is about to get marry soon and he has indicated that in press conferences as well, let’s find out what to expect in near future.

At one incident when this question was asked to Babar Azam, he replied that he doesn’t knows about this matter, it’s his family that will decide in this regard and when will this happen and they will take the final decision about my marriage.

Babar Azam also in a press conference stated that fans will have to wait a bit more to see this happen, he urged everyone to wait for the right time as he is waiting as well, he has never revealed anything much about this topic publicly and that’s why there are no rumored dates regarding the marriage of the Pakistani Captain Babar Azam and fans have to wait and see what happens in future.


One of the main reasons behind the delay of his marriage and why the news regarding his marriage are not announced to public because maybe at the moment he has so much responsibility of the Pakistan team and he wants to do justice with that and which can be a reason he is just focusing on his cricket, this can be a reason why things are kept private because as we all know media always highlights such things again and again which isn’t good for his personal reasons.


As I have told you media always asked such questions and never leaves something private, in a press conference playing for Peshawar Zalmi this season, Babar Azam was again asked the same question that what are his plans about his marriage because all of his teammates which are younger than Captain are getting married and then there is Babar Azam who is yet to announce anything in this regard, but actually this question now was quite relevant as Babar Azam is now almost 28 year’s old and since the start of this year many of his teammates have got married which includes the likes of Pakistan’s star pacers Shaheen Shah and Haris Rauf, all-rounder Shadab Khan and a batter Shan Masood are married since the start of this year and it’s been only 3 months to this year so this question arises again in the press conference.

The journalist asked to the Pakistani Captain that : ‘’ Everyone is getting married and your hairs have grown white with time, when are you planning to get married ‘’ on which Babar Azam who is currently captain of Peshawar Zalmi in the PSL 2023 replied that : ‘’ My hairs are white since the start, it is not because of my age and when the time will come I will get married. I am waiting for that right time, you all also have to wait ‘’ and there were smiles all around.


We can’t confirm this news because this wasn’t officially announced but as per media reports last year in 2022, there were strong news about the engagement of Babar Azam with her cousin and both families have taken this decision, Babar Azam hasn’t spoken anything about this matter but as he said his family will decide this for him so if that’s the case we can say that Babar Azam is engaged with her cousin but as I told earlier there is no real confirmation regarding this news which broke out on media last year.


According to rumors, the captain of the Pakistan team is engaged to her cousin last year and this news spread on social media like fire, the name of the cousin with whom Babar Azam is engaged as per the reports is NADIA, and there is also a cousin of the Pakistani captain named the same but we can’t confirm whether the engagement news about the captain is true or not.


Pakistani Captain Babar Azam and Indian Captain Rohit Sharma were seen talking to each other in the recently concluded Asia Cup 2022, in which both were having a good time with each other and there Rohit Sharma asked Babar Azam that it’s been quite a time and he should get married now, on which Babar Azam replied that not right now and there were laughs between both the players.


Although now as we all know Babar Azam is about to turn 29 this year in 2023 and there is an ICC World Cup right around the corner this year and there are just some months left, so better not to expect the National Captain to marry this year and there are no reports as well regarding his marriage in 2023 but definitely the captain of the Pakistan team will tie the knot and will choose his life partner which is expected to be in 2024 when there is not much cricket after the ICC WT20 2024, then there will be enough time for the captain to free up from the National duties and think about his personal life as well.

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